Leasing REality Advanced Certificate Program
Expert Stage
9 Topics
12 Assessments
Lesson on Assignment and Subletting
Check Your Understanding: Assignment and Subletting (Parts 1-5)
Check Your Understanding: Assignment and Subletting (Parts 6-9)
Check Your Understanding: Assignment and Subletting (Parts 10-15)
Lesson on Landlord and Tenant Work
Check Your Understanding: Landlord and Tenant Work (Parts 1-5)
Check Your Understanding: Landlord and Tenant Work (Parts 6-9)
Check Your Understanding: Landlord and Tenant Work (Parts 10-16)
Lesson on Operating Expenses, Real Estate Tax Escalations and Percentage Rent Increases
Check Your Understanding: Operating Expense Escalations, Real Estate Tax Escalations and Percentage Rent Increases
Lesson on Anchor Tenants
Check Your Understanding: Anchor Tenant, Co-Tenancy, Continuous and Other Retail Business Operating Requirements
Lesson on Lease Restructurings
Check Your Understanding: Lease Restructurings, Modifications & Workouts
Lesson on Audit Rights
Check Your Understanding: Landlord and Tenant Audit Rights
Lesson on Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”)
Check Your Understanding: FASB Lease Accounting Changes
Talk the Talk: Familiarizing Yourself with Commercial Real Estate Terminology
Check Your Understanding: Familiarizing Yourself with Commercial Real Estate Terminology
Supplemental Reading Materials
Previous Lessons
Next Lessons
Lesson on Operating Expenses, Real Estate Tax Escalations and Percentage Rent Increases
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