Prior to teeing off on October 1, 2018 at the Bicol Clinic Foundation Inc. 4th Annual Golf Invitational at Old Westbury Golf & Country Club, Leasing REality’s Real Estate REality Check podcast host, Larry Haber, chatted with professionals in the real estate industry about life, business and careers.
About Bicol Clinic Foundation Inc.
“The Bicol Clinic Foundation is a humanitarian effort to bring medical attention to people who have never received “first world” health care. The Bicol Clinic Foundation establishes itself as a provider of medical care to under served areas on a small scale – one village at a time.” Since 2005, the foundation has treated over 40,000 impoverished patients the Philippines, Nepal, Haiti, as well as locally in the United States. Help us make a difference, here.

Jon MacIntyre, SVP of Real Estate Finance at WeWork

Candice Milano, The Milano-Rambarran Team at The Corcoran Group

Malessa Rambarran, The Milano-Rambarran Team at The Corcoran Group

Michael Squires, Executive Director – CMBS Origination at Rialto Mortgage Finance, LLC
Stay tuned for the release of the above interviews.
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