• June 12, 2018

The Albert Einstein, Snoop Dogg and Drake Bring Your “A” Game-Brick House Value Theory

Cheat Sheet

The Albert Einstein, Snoop Dogg and Drake Bring Your “A” Game-Brick House Value Theory

The Albert Einstein, Snoop Dogg and Drake Bring Your “A” Game-Brick House Value Theory 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Negotiating Theories to Succeed in Life, Marketing and Commercial Leasing (Part 1)

The real estate world – as we know it – would be a better place if the attorneys, brokers, contractors, architects and other professionals inhabiting it heeded the words Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value by Albert Einstein. Stated a bit differently, in an attempt to reach one’s full business potential, it is imperative to use the tools in your skill set to make a difference.   

In order to build a foundation of knowledge and ultimately add value – channeling hip-hop heartthrob and actor Drake – you need to have Started From The Bottom. 

With props out to Snoop Dogg, “If it’s flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft.” The translation: pride in workmanship is a key to success!