Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

A commercial real estate education platform for broker training, learning commercial real estate and negotiating commercial leases.
Use of the Premises: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 3) 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Use of the Premises: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 3)

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Leverage: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 2) 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Leverage: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 2)

Part 2 Leverage: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) Previous ChapterTable of ContentsNext Chapter Trying to take a step down from my virtual soapbox without pulling my hamstring,…

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Introduction: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 1) 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Introduction: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) (Part 1)

Part 1 Introduction: Negotiating and Preparing a Letter of Intent (“LOI”) Previous ChapterTable of ContentsNext Chapter When negotiating a letter of intent (“LOI”), although it is my belief that the…

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Leasing REality’s Top 100+ Leasing Intervention™ Tips 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Leasing REality’s Top 100+ Leasing Intervention™ Tips

To access this content, you must purchase a 1-Year Subscription, or log in if you are a member.

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Z 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


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Y 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


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X 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


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W 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


Warm Shell: An empty building or space that usually has minimally finished interior including walls, ceiling, and flooring, with basic services connected such as plumbing, heating, air conditioning, restrooms and lighting.

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V 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


Vacancy Rate: The percentage of vacant space in a building due to non-occupancy of an available, rentable unit or space. Vanilla Box: A plain “vanilla shell” or “vanilla box” is generally considered…

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U 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education


Unamortized Cost: The actual cost of an asset or concession less the depreciation or amortization of such item, generally on a straight line basis (e.g., landlord’s work and/or a brokerage commission,…

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