Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

A commercial real estate education platform for broker training, learning commercial real estate and negotiating commercial leases.
Podcast Episode 047: Ash Zandieh 680 800 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Podcast Episode 047: Ash Zandieh

Ash Zandieh Chief Intelligence Officer at CREtech and Founder of PropertyIDX ash@cretech.com“Attention is the only asset that matters. You should be focusing 100% of your time on getting the most…

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Podcast Episode 046: Gary Malin 680 800 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Podcast Episode 046: Gary Malin

Gary Malin Chief Operating Officer at The Corcoran Group gm@corcoran.com“[…] We are actually in the hospitality business. Sales is about you and how much money you make, hospitality is about…

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Podcast Episode 045: Peter Braus 680 800 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Podcast Episode 045: Peter Braus

Peter Braus Managing Principal of Lee & Associates NYC pbraus@lee-associates.com“Ultimately our business is a 100% people driven business. Our talent – as we say – gets on the elevator every…

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The Broker Buzzkill, the Unauthorized Practice of Law, and to Prepare or Not to Prepare 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

The Broker Buzzkill, the Unauthorized Practice of Law, and to Prepare or Not to Prepare

The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the “New Law”) remains fluid and subject to different interpretations as guidance and clarification is coming down from a myriad of…

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Tips to Help Prepare REBNY Free Market Residential Leases 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Tips to Help Prepare REBNY Free Market Residential Leases

The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the “New Law”) remains fluid and subject to different interpretations as guidance and clarification is coming down from a myriad of…

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Changes in Management Responsibilities for Landlords 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Changes in Management Responsibilities for Landlords

The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the “New Law”) remains fluid and subject to different interpretations as guidance and clarification is coming down from a myriad of…

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Setting the Playing Field of the “New Law” 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Setting the Playing Field of the “New Law”

The Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the “New Law”) remains fluid and subject to different interpretations as guidance and clarification is coming down from a myriad of…

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Podcast Episode 044: Nancy Bass Wyden 680 800 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Podcast Episode 044: Nancy Bass Wyden

Nancy Bass Wyden Owner of Strand Book Store nancy@strandbooks.com“No matter what, you have to wake up in the morning and really just kick ass. Just do your best … keep…

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Limited (“Good Guy”) Guaranty 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Limited (“Good Guy”) Guaranty

To access this content, you must purchase a 1-Year Subscription, or log in if you are a member.

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Help on the Way! 800 450 Leasing REality | Commercial Real Estate Education

Help on the Way!

On July 29, 2019, REBNY released updated residential lease forms in light of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (the “New Law”) passed on June 14, 2019,…

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